Wednesday, September 24, 2008


WE HAVE AN ENERGY CRISIS ON OUR HANDS. Last night LARRY KUDLOW was declaring victory for his DRILL DRILL DRILL effort as he announced that Congress was going to let the ban on offshore drilling expire. If you listened to his tone you would think that we are going to see oil collapse and that in itself would save our economy. I will admit that I thought the announcement of more offshore drilling would have pushed prices downward.
Oil is up a couple of bucks in the premarket this morning. I go back to the words of Jim Rogers----there has not been a significant find of oil in the past years that can compare to the increase in demand. I think we are headed much higher on oil and that will bode well for my favorites that I mentioned in last nights post.

As CNBC interviewed Senators this morning, it is becoming evident that this bailout/handout/welfare plan still has more debate to go and could get changed drastically before it gets passed. I remain in neutral for the most part until we can hear details.

We had some healthy debate in the comment section of yesterdays post. Keep up the comments as we believe that we can learn from debate.